It's all just a little bit of history repeating
I have been photographing myself as different characters through time for years. Usually, I try to hide all signs of the contemporary world around me, but I decided to do things a little differently for this series. It was Lockdown 1.0, I was pregnant and finally starting to show and I wanted to nod at this strange moment in history that was being defined by its monotony.
This is the first time that I’ve looked at the images all together like this. I’m so glad that I chose this small section of my bedroom wall to shoot against. For one, it gave me a small bit of space to work in at my old flat, which while lovely, was open plan and a bit on the small side for two people working from home. The same white radiator and the white blind on to the white wall also hint at the context and are a reminder that pandemics come and go, but we are all just part of a much bigger TimeLoop. I’m not sure if that’s a comforting thought or not, but it is pretty incredible.
Jessica McDermott is a Photographic Artist and Art Facilitator. Subscribe to her newsletter here.